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Horizon Europe: Pioneering Scientific Breakthroughs

european innovation council european union horizon europe research and innovation scientific breakthroughs Apr 13, 2023

Horizon Europe, the European Union's most ambitious research and innovation framework programme to date, has set its sights on revolutionizing the scientific landscape and reinforcing Europe's status as a global leader in cutting-edge research. With a budget of 95.5 € billion for the period of 2021-2027, the programme aims to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our society while fostering economic growth and sustainable development. In this article, we will explore the key pillars of Horizon Europe and highlight some of the groundbreaking projects that are currently underway.

The Three Pillars of Horizon Europe

Excellent Science
At the heart of Horizon Europe lies the pursuit of scientific excellence, which is supported by the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC is responsible for funding high-quality, investigator-driven research across all scientific disciplines, with a particular focus on frontier research. By investing in Europe's brightest minds and most innovative ideas, the ERC aims to advance the frontiers of knowledge and drive scientific progress on a global scale.

Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness

The second pillar of Horizon Europe focuses on addressing societal challenges and promoting industrial competitiveness through research and innovation. This pillar is organized into six thematic clusters: health; culture, creativity, and inclusive societies; civil security for society; digital, industry, and space; climate, energy, and mobility; and food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment. Each cluster encompasses a wide range of research topics, from artificial intelligence and advanced materials to renewable energy and sustainable food systems.

Horizon Europe

The third pillar of Horizon Europe, Innovative Europe, is designed to foster a dynamic and competitive European innovation ecosystem. This pillar supports the European Innovation Council (EIC), which provides funding and support to start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and researchers seeking to bring their groundbreaking ideas to market. The EIC focuses on high-risk, high-impact innovations with the potential to create new markets and transform existing ones.

Pioneering Projects Under Horizon Europe

The Human Brain Project is a flagship initiative that aims to revolutionize our understanding of the human brain by developing a detailed, three-dimensional atlas of its structure and function. By bringing together experts from various scientific disciplines, including neuroscience, computer science, and robotics, the project seeks to unlock the mysteries of the brain and develop new technologies for treating neurological disorders.

As part of Horizon Europe, the Quantum Flagship aims to place Europe at the forefront of the second quantum revolution, which is expected to have a profound impact on a wide range of industries. The flagship initiative focuses on four key areas: quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum simulation, and quantum sensing and metrology. By investing in quantum technologies, Europe hopes to maintain its competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field.

Horizon Science
The European Green Deal is a comprehensive plan to make Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Horizon Europe plays a crucial role in supporting research and innovation projects that contribute to the Green Deal's goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting the circular economy. Through these efforts, the European Union seeks to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all its citizens.


Horizon Europe represents a bold step forward for the European Union in its quest to foster scientific breakthroughs, drive economic growth, and address pressing global challenges. As the programme unfolds, it will undoubtedly lead to new discoveries, novel technologies, and innovative solutions that will help shape the future.